The Sorter

Earlier today I was thinking about how I could tweak my workflow, which lead me to have another look at the sorter. At first I was confused as to why I gave up on it a few years ago. But alas, I remembered…

Is there any way to configure it to move the files instead of copy them when you drop files on it. This was the main reason why I turned it off. my only other option is to setup a bunch of folder actions and put an alias in the doc.

am I just doing it wrong?

Afaik DEVONthink doesn’t offer a option to do it.

It’s not exactly what you’ve asked for, but I just implemented this AppleScript in my Workflow, called from Alfred.

If you want the DEVONthink Sorter Sound you’ll have to change the second shell command to the path found here Sorter Sound Location? , or just delete the line in the script. Of course you have to change “USERNAME” to your username.

set destinFolder to "/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink Pro 2/Inbox"

tell application "Finder"

	set mySelection to selection
	repeat with anItem in mySelection
		set itemName to POSIX path of (anItem as text)
		do shell script "mv" & space & quoted form of itemName & space & quoted form of destinFolder
		do shell script "afplay /Users/USERNAME/Music/Sounds/DropOK.aif"
	end repeat
end tell

That’s possible by pressing the Cmd modifier key during drag & drop.