Timeline Annotations for Audio/Video Files

I prefer it having its own window because I can put screenshots with a time stamp and it doesn’t look small when reading it. I also get the advantage of quickly adding tables and stuff since the toolbar is at the top. it’s less distracting and I can have both window on full screen with the video on the left.

im also frightened of accidentally deleting notes in the annotations since its in the same window. so I prefer to use another window for writing notes. (I have deleted notes like this before)

I apologize for bumping an old thread, but I have a question for you. How do I create the annotation file in markdown?

Click the Annotations triangle to open the flyout menu and choose it from the default templates.

Thank you! A further question: how do I change views, from the “editor” view to the “preview” view, as seen in your first screenshot above? (This is vocabulary borrowed from Obsidian. The editor view includes the inline formatting, and the preview view is the end result.)

You can’t change the view in the Annotations inspector. But when viewing a Markdown file, View > Document Display.

This is the screenshot that you posted earlier. So is this behavior no longer supported? Thanks for the helpful replies :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.
That’s a rich text annotation file, not Markdown.

Where does “default annotation” show up?

Why are you looking in the Data > New from Template menu? That’s not referenced in the Help section I point out to you in the other thread.


Please update the manual to show a screenshot that the down arrow referred to is in the annotations pane, on the right side, to the right of the word “annotations”.

Simply because you are familiar does not mean all users will be. Further, I am a somewhat competent user, thus can not be dismissed as an outlier that is not the primary customer meant for DevonThink.

if you can modify this response to include a screenshot, and/or “click the triangle/down arrow to the right of the word annotations is the annotation pane on the right side of the screen.”