Tips needed: quick workflow (Applescript/script?) to work with editing word files launched from within Devonthink?

Hi all

i try to store as much of my documents in Devonthink as possible. over the last ~ 2 years of using Devonthink I’ve learned that using word (And other documents like that which you need to save after editing or save as for copiers) can be tricky since you don’t want to save them manually into the Devonthink database.

so my understanding is that the best practice is to open the file from Devonthink and then save as and then later re-import the file. I wonder if anyone has a nifty Applescript or other way to quick do so?



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If you open the file from DT you should be able to simply use „save“ to get the updated version back into DT.
In most cases – Photoshop er al being notable exceptions: if you open a jpg, it will save a psd.

Thx @chrillek!

im mostly interested in files i open and then save as as a new file rather then editing the same file. i understand then its not recommended then to save manually into the DT database?



Certainly not. In that case, you might want to save them to DT‘s global inbox.

thx again! i wonder if anyone in the community has a nifty Applescript or other trick to quick open within Devonthink, save as (can be to a predefined or user input directory) and open that saved as file for editing? (…yeah 1st world problems :wink: )



Duplicate the file in DEVONthink first and open the copy if you know you’re going to be making edits and saving a revision.

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