I subscribed to Devonthink to go iOS, month to month, and am on a trial of DevonThink on my Mac. I am unable to get any sync going with iCloud CloudKit . Is this a bug or if one is on a trial of Devonthink on the Mac the feature is disabled.
Welcome @databasegod
Syncing is only available with a purchase or subscription. DEVONthink To Go’s trial period is for familiarizing yourself with the interface and functions of the application itself: creating databases, organizing, creating or clipping content, etc.
Ok I figured it out - there is a tiny arrow at the top that leads to DB selection. I had not clicked this. Yes, like I said I have a subscription but am on a trial for Mac.
I have not tried to sync my main 22Gb database yet just some inboxes.
Purchase DT Pro and DTTG, you will not be disappointed🤙
but am on a trial for Mac
Ahh, I missed that.
I have not tried to sync my main 22Gb database yet
The question is: do you need to?
Check out the Help > Tutorials > Understanding Sync in DEVONthink on the Mac.
Ok I will check that out - almost really to pull the plug.