Turn internal links into tags

A very useful function for me (in one of my databases, not all of them) would be that internal links would automatically become tags. Ideally for me, this should be a setting for a group or a database, but is there perhaps a possibility to script such a function?

What kind of links (item or Wiki?) actually and where are these links currently used?

If a document contains an item link to a group, it would be sweet to have an option to automatically replicate to that group. I would hate it in a couple of my DBs but love it in one.

This is actually scriptable, hereā€™s a basic demo:

tell application id "DNtp"
	repeat with theRecord in selected records
		set theLinks to outgoing references of theRecord
		repeat with theLink in theLinks
			if type of theLink is group then replicate record theRecord to theLink
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

Thanks a lot for that! I could make it work with properly created links ā€“ assuming I could run it from the Script menu with one record containing an outgoing link to a group. It was not before now I realised wiki links were not ā€œproperā€ item links, though ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ. So I first had to run Toolsā€“>Item linksā€“>Convert WikiLinks to Item Links, but I can manage to automate that part. Thanks again.

The script could actually support Wiki links by using outgoing Wiki references too:

tell application id "DNtp"
	repeat with theRecord in selected records
		set theLinks to outgoing references of theRecord
		repeat with theLink in theLinks
			if type of theLink is group then replicate record theRecord to theLink
		end repeat
		set theLinks to outgoing Wiki references of theRecord
		repeat with theLink in theLinks
			if type of theLink is group then replicate record theRecord to theLink
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

Brilliant, thank you very much. I like especially being able to granulate this down to individual files by a keystroke (and I cannot understand how people get by without a launcher appā€¦)
Have a nice weekend!

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Thanks, have a nice one too!