Two requested features for Markdown: additional highlight syntax + hashtags as tags

As a user of DT3 together with several Markdown apps (e.g., Obsidian), I make extensive use of Markdown files in a folder (e.g., a vault in Obsidian) that is indexed into DT3. In order to optimize usability in both Obsidian and DT3, I propose the following two features for inclusion in DT3. Note: In order to provide the user with an easy means of setting these options, perhaps these options could be added to the Preferences dialog, either as a separate tab for “Markdown” or as entries in one of the existing tabs.

1. Additional Markdown highlight syntax

I would like to use a common highlighting syntax between Obsidian (which uses ==highlight==) and DT3 (which uses {==highlight==}). The requested feature is an option that configures DT3 to use an additional highlight syntax, specified by the user, e.g., highlight start: == highlight end: ==.

2. Hashtags in Markdown mapped to DT3 tags

Given that many Markdown editors use hashtags in the text as metadata, it would be very helpful if DT3 could recognize the hashtags in any Markdown file (across all databases) and tag the file accordingly in the DT3 database, without the # (e.g., a hashtag of #my-tag in a Markdown file would retain the hashtag in the Markdown file but DT3 would also tag the file itself as my-tag).

Note: DT3 would need to update the database-level tags when the file-level hashtags are edited, perhaps when the file is saved.

How do these proposals sound?

#2 is already in place and has been for some time. See Preferences > Import > Tags > Convert hashtags to Tags and Data > Tags > Convert Hashtags to Tags if you don’t want to set a default option.

#1 would have to be assessed by Development, but it’s the only request we’ve had so far.

Would like to support feature request #1 as well. Using iA Writer as external markdown editor because DT3 doesn’t have added features to automatically support bullet, dashes, blocks, etc. Also most of my existing markdown notes in iA Writer are highlighted with == already. Though {== works but be good to have all with ==.

#2 is already in place and has been for some time. See Preferences > Import > Tags > Convert hashtags to Tags

Thank you! For some reason, I assumed that only applied to importing (e.g., drag-and-drop into DT3) and did not realize that it also applies to indexed directories. This works exactly as hoped :+1:

You’re welcome.

The next release will improve the CriticMarkup support including {==highlighted text==}. Which apps support already the ==highlighted text== syntax?

I use obsidian as well and I use the ==highlight== a lot and would find this as an extremely useful update

I don’t know what the complete list is, but the two mentioned in this thread (Obsidian and iA Writer) are popular Markdown editors that use the == syntax.

Do these editors use a certain syntax for underlining & strike through too? In CriticMarkup it’s {++ text ++} and {-- text --}

I can’t speak for iA Writer, but Obsidian supports ==highlight== and strikethrough, not underline.

Viewing & converting Markdown documents will support this syntax in the next release.

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Wonderful! Much appreciated.

This release will also support Roam’s syntax (^^highlight^^).

Wow, super cool, that you’ll be supporting the additional markup syntax. :slightly_smiling_face:
I find it kinda annoying that every app maker invents their own markdown “fixes” even if there are quite reasonable standards already in place. And of course Ulysses uses …



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We wholeheartedly agree, which is why we try to not invent our own whenever possible. Standards allow for cross-application exchanges as well as a larger community of support and solutions.

Here’s a short overview of other apps highlight and strikethrough markup:

iA Writer:











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At least iA Writer and Obsidian managed to use the same. Although I doubt they planned this :upside_down_face:

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Big marketing mistake. highlight and strikethrough markers are the most important USP in the market for markdown editors.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose :frowning:
I can still remember the “amendments” DEC introduced in their Fortran, then there was Microsoft with their own version of Mail standards and HTML elements, and now it’s markdown syntax.

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I use highlights for comments to myself – things to go back and look up later on when reviewing an article draft.

I used Ulysses for several years, and I liked that app’s method of surrounding text in ++two plus signs.++ I set the stylesheet to show that text nice and red.

I’m constantly switching Markdown editors, as each seems to have features that I prefer at any given time. And they handle highlights differently, as noted here.

Lately, I’ve been using bold for highlights, realizing that I only use bold text sparingly otherwise. So the commented text jumps right out, and then I fix whatever I left a note to myself to fix, and move on.

I do not care for CriticMarkup’s {==highlights syntax==}, simply because I don’t have those brackets committed to muscle memory. Also, the syntax uses two different characters, and two additional characters. It’s nice and easy to just type the same character four times.

Note that I’m using “highlights” and “comments” interchangeably here, because that’s how I think of them. And I’m possibly misusing the word “syntax.” Go ahead and sue me.

Thanks! Appreciate it.