Typing in the middle of markdown document, unable to scroll to bottom

It’s hard to explain what’s happening, hopefully the GIF helps.

I was using the Markdown editor to take meeting notes while it was next to Microsoft Teams. I type notes in lots of different places in the document and I noticed that it wouldn’t let me scroll to the bottom of the document anymore. In the GIF I’m typing fast in order to show what the bug is but it happens even when typing slowly and taking pauses between bullets.

EDIT: I should have added: I’m using Devonthink 3.9 and running macOS 13.2.1


That’s most likely due a random exception while editing, we’re aware of this issue and the next maintenance release will fix this. Closing & opening the window again should fix this.

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Thanks! Resizing it also fixed it, I think. I just wanted to let you all know it was doing this. :slight_smile:

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Please choose Help > Report Bug while pressing the Alt modifier key and send the result to cgrunenberg - at - devon-technologies.com - thanks! The logs should confirm whether it’s the expected issue.

I have the same problem. Absolutely infuriating.

What version of DEVONthink and macOS are you running?

To overcome now the problem which you find infuriating, perhaps try another Markdown editor until you get this resolved.

I’m on the latest version of everything.
I have been using other editors to get around this problem, but doing this raises it’s own issues.
Looks like this thread was started a year ago and the problem still exists.

So you are on DEVONthink 3.9.4 and macOS (Sonoma) 14.3.1 ? Knowing these specific details will help the DEVONthink developer @cgrunenberg

14.3.1 and 3.9.4, yes.
The issue persists.

Please check the behavior in the next release.

Excellent. Thanks