Unable to add new RSS feed in DTO

Hello, I recently purchased a copy of DEVONthink Pro for use. I had originally been using DTPO trial and got a couple of RSS feeds imported that way.

However, I went to try to Data > New > Feed and nothing happened. Can someone suggest how I can troubleshoot this? I have already tried to exit/restart DTP and it still happens (or doesn’t happen, as the case may be)


Update: When I looked closer at things, it appeared that something was hinky with the install. When I tried to add DEVONthink to my login items, it was grayed out, which was odd.

So, I uninstalled from the Applications folder, emptied trash, and reinstalled and everything is doing what I expected it to. Now I can add RSS feeds to my heart’s content.

Excellent! Thanks for the follow up, g. 8^)

Have a safe and Happy New Years!