Unusable side bar icons on iPad

Is anyone else having this issue? Three of the four icons in the sidebar are missing and can’t be clicked. This makes it impossible to modify a group of items at once.

I saw a previous solution that doesn’t seem to work for me.


Screenshot attached of what it looks like.

Welcome @Wreichard
What version of the operating system and DEVONthink To Go are you running?

17.5.1 and not sure on the app version … one of the missing icons would be the settings/help. But I haven’t been prompted to update so I believe it would be the latest. Thanks!

Oh, sorry — it is DEVONthink To Go 3.

This is a rare issue we haven’t been able to reproduce at will. If you tap the encircled i on DEVONthink To Go’s home screen and it reports you’re running 3.8.6, the only option is to delete and reinstall. You may want to initiate a manual sync beforehand, if needed.

Thank you. Deleting and reinstalling seems to have restored my icons.

You’re welcome and sorry about the interruption.