Updated to Mojave: Should I update to ScanSnap Home?


So I see take ScanSnap Manager has now been replaced by ScanSnap Home. Installing this will remove ScanSnap Manager. Should I do this? What would be the downside?

On initial testing ScanSnap Manager seems to be working as before, automatically importing to DTPO.


This is covered in this thread, following along after this post: Scanner recommended

Thanks Jim,

I read that thread in which you said:

@et al: Currently, the integration of receiving scans for OCR in DTPO isn’t working. The new app from Fujitsu is fundamentally different, so it’s not detected by Pro Office. We are investigating this.”

Then, later, you said:

"@Basil: You just set DEVONthink to be the application to receive the output. It won’t initiate OCR, due to the lack of integration, but if you’re doing OCR in ScanSnap Home, you’re all set with that.

This is the same setting that was used in ScanSnap Manager."

So I see you saying that there is a ‘lack of integration’ twice, but that the new ScanSnap Home will do the OCR. So what is the consequence of this lack of integration? Should I wait until it is resolved.

Thanks your help.


The lack of integration means DEVONthink will not import scans and do OCR on them, if you had chosen to let DTPO do the OCR instead of the ScanSnap software.
Whether you should wait is up to you. They do have built-in OCR (as ScanSnap Manager also did), so it’s still technically functional.

Just to be clear, when you talk about waiting, do you mean you will be addressing the incompatibility issue so that DTPO will be able to receive scans & OCR them as it does now?


Yes, integration should be reinstated at some point.

Just to record my thanks that this issue has been addressed already! Impressive as always!

You’re welcome. :smiley: