upgrading to pro2

I have updated to Devonthink pro2 having bought it last year without realising I needed leopard. Having upgraded to snow leopard i installed pro2 but now I can’t find my old databases. Where have they gone and how can I get them back

I assume that you were previously using DT Pro 1.x.

Your databases will still be stored on your drive in the locations in which they were saved. They have the filename suffix, “.dtBase”.

It’s a good idea to run Verify & Repair on the old database under DT Pro 1.x before starting the conversion.

Make certain that DT Pro 1.x is not running (we recommend that you remove it from the Applications folder, once your database conversions are complete).

Launch DT Pro 2.x (the current version is 2.0.3) and choose “File > Open Database”, then choose one of your old databases.

Allow DT Pro 2 to convert the data into a new version 2 database, which will have the same filename as the old one, but with the suffix, “.dtBase2”.

When the conversion is complete, choose Window > Log. If any of the files in the old database failed to be carried over to the new database, they will be listed as “failed”. (Don’t worry about “no text” or “unknown format” messages.) If some files are listed as “failed”, you can Save the Log, e.g. to the Desktop, for future reference.

Next, choose Tools > Verify & Repair. If there are no errors, then choose Tools > Backup & Optimize. You now have a converted database. Note that if there had been errors in the old database, that could created problems in the new database.

I am stuck here.

I can no longer run DevonThink 1.x since my OS has been updated, so cannot export that database. I assumed that DevonThink 2.x would automatically find and upgrade my old data, as other apps will do.

DevonThink 2.x does not recognize or know how to import my old database.

I see no other way to recover my data other than somehow finding an old Mac that I can run 1.x on and somehow exporting the data for re-import.

It seems to me being able to update and upgrade the database safely should be a pretty fundamental and crucial part of the application. Am I missing something here?

DevonThink Personal 1.x --> upgraded to DevonThink Personal 2.x

I would appeciate any guidance available. Thank you.

Odd. Your experience is directly in conflict with what Bill wrote 7 years ago. If DT 2.x could not import 1.x DBs, how would anyone have ever migrated? A possible scenario is that the current “late” 2.x version no longer do what the early 2.x did, but I find that unlikely. I suspect something else is going on. It would be probably better to start a support ticket.

It would have been helpful to clearly state where this fails. Are you running 2.x, use “open DB”, but then the old 1.x DBs are greyed out in the open dialog?