URL field

I often copy some or all of the content of a web page into DEVONThink using either of the keyboard shortuts for rich or plain text, and then I want to put a reference to the URL into the URL field.

To do this at the moment I have to go into DEVONThink, click on the URL field, and then go back to my browser and drag and drop the URL into the URL field.

There are a couple of easier ways of doing this:

  1. automatically put the URL into the field when copying the content in via keyboard shortcut

  2. Allowing drag and drop into this field without clicking into it.

Would this be possible for the next version of DEVONThink?



DEVONthink 1.9 will automatically grab the current URL from Safari/OmniWeb after using the services "Take Rich/Plain Note" or after dragging & dropping some data from those browsers.