Usage Scenarios


Just come up with another usage scenario. I am sure there are thousands but I thought I would post this in case it might be useful.

Ministers and youth workers

DEVONthink has numerous possible applications for the minister or youth worker. Like the journalist, you probably have clippings of quotes, illustrations and news items that you plan to use at some future point. With DEVONthink they can be filed into a database, classified and then when needed a simple search will produce fruit. Whole commentaries and Bibles could also be accessed in this way.

DEVONthink could also be used to store membership information. All emails, letters and conversations you have with each member could be contained within DEVONthink. All available without a complicated search.



yes, I have hundreds of my own sermons and Bible study notes that are now in the database.  It makes it easy to go back to something I said earlier and be consistent.

I have training materials, teachings, articles people have sent me, outlines, graphics, really everything all in one place.


Have you thought of all the free material that is also available for downloading? Like Matthew Henry’s full commentaries.
