Use AppleScript to get oldest record in a given group


I want to get the oldest record by creation date in a given group.
Through the user interface, it is elementary: I just sort all rows throught the ‘created’ field and pick the top row.

To do it through AppleScript, I use the following basic sorting algorithm:

tell application "DEVONthink 3"
tell database 1
	set myParent to every parent whose name is "Daily dose"
	set myParent to item 1 of myParent
	tell myParent
		set r to children
		set rc to count r
		set oldest_record to child 1
		repeat with x from 2 to rc
			set d1 to creation date of oldest_record
			set d2 to creation date of child x
			if d2 < d1 then
				set oldest_record to child x
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

end tell

This works but very slowly, which makes it unpractical for the workflow that I have in mind.
For example, it takes about 20 seconds to run through a group containing about 820 records (the records are all emails).

Is there a better, more direct way to achieve what I want ?
Thanks in advance! W.

Tested without

set myParent to every parent whose name is "Daily dose"
set myParent to item 1 of myParent

I used a selected group with 820 children. Took 4 seconds. As far as I know there’s no better way.

What is the intent of scripting this?


This one needs 6 seconds for a 8700(!) records group.

-- Get oldest (or newest) record

property getOldest : true

tell application id "DNtp"
		set theSelection to selection of think window 1
		if theSelection = {} then error "Nothing selected."
		set theGroup to item 1 of theSelection
		set theCreationDates to creation date of children of theGroup
		set theDate to item 1 of theCreationDates
		if getOldest = true then
			repeat with thisDate in theCreationDates
				if thisDate < theDate then
					set theDate to thisDate
				end if
			end repeat
			repeat with thisDate in theCreationDates
				if thisDate > theDate then
					set theDate to thisDate
				end if
			end repeat
		end if
		set theDate_1 to (theDate - (1 / 60 * minutes))
		set theDate_string_1 to (year of theDate_1 & "-" & ((month of theDate_1) as number) as string) & "-" & day of theDate_1 & space & hours of theDate_1 & ":" & minutes of theDate_1 & ":" & seconds of theDate_1
		set theDate_2 to (theDate + (1 / 60 * minutes))
		set theDate_string_2 to (year of theDate_2 & "-" & ((month of theDate_2) as number) as string) & "-" & day of theDate_2 & space & hours of theDate_2 & ":" & minutes of theDate_2 & ":" & seconds of theDate_2
		set theResults to search "creationDate>=" & theDate_string_1 & space & "creationDate<=" & theDate_string_2 in theGroup
		if (count theResults) = 1 then
			set theRecord to item 1 of theResults
			#open window for record theRecord
			#error "More than one result."
		end if
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell
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Thank you for your much more efficient algorithm. I just tested it over my data and it takes 1’’ vs 20’’ for my initial script. It is not exactly what I wanted because I need to select the group in the GUI, but it is good enough as a workable solution.

In addition, it makes me aware that there are four different windows types in the DT3 AS object model. Now, I will try to figure out their differences. So thanks again.

I have a group with emails that I need to process on a first-in first-out basis.

How do you want to use it?

Just sort the group on Date Created if you want to select the items manually. There’s no need for a script in this case. The most recent item will be at the top or the bottom.

Ideally, the parent group would be selected in the ‘Navigate’ sidebar while the central viewer would show the records in a ‘List’ view, so I could see what’s happening in the subsequent stages of the workflow. But this is really no big deal: I now just select the parent group’s parent in the sidebar, the parent group in the central viewer and I still can see its children expanded under it in ‘List’ view.
Again, thank you very much - both for the solution and for showing me that it is much faster for AS to go through a list of dates than through a list of records of which the dates are a property.

The problem that I shared (ie: selecting the oldest record through AS) is just the first step of a larger script which subsequently programatically processes the record in multiple ways. I run the script and passively check what’s going on, like in a movie, without any more manual intervention.
Thank you for your interest.

This should do it

tell application id "DNtp"
		set theGroup to root of viewer window 1
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell