Use Devonthink as CRM?

Is there a way to use Devonthink or any other software together with Devonthink as CRM .

For example import Contacts from OSX to Devonthink and link or Tag their invoices or contracts to that specific contract. And even add Notes when someone calls and tag them to that contact ?

Is that possible ?

It is possible but if you need true CRM functions including custom workflows and email campaign coordination, it would take a lot of work and the result still would not be as polished as dedicated CRM software.

The role for Devonthink might be if you have extensive documents to store related to your contacts. In that case, you could use regular CRM software and then in each contact record in the CRM include an x-Devonthink item link containing the information on that contact.

You can import contacts via File > Import > Contacts. From Help > Documentation > Menus > The File Menu > Import & Export…

Contacts: Imports Apple Contacts addresses selected in the import dialog into a newly created group named “Addresses”. Contacts can be imported as a sheet, as vcards ( .vcf ), or as bookmarks. Previously created groups are reused. Tip: To import all addresses, select all addresses in the group “All” and import them. Address card bookmarks link to the original card in the Contacts application.

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Is there a way to keep the contacts in DevonThink updated?

I am trying to solve for a very silly problem: Mac and iOS Contacts do not allow (easy) creation of a link to a contact. Sometimes I want a link in, say, a Reminder.

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For a long time now I’ve had a little Apple Script as a scheduled job that once a weel outputs all my Contacts to a designated folder which is indexed into my database in DEVONthink which is dedicated to personal information. I don’t use the info as a CRM nor do any reminders, but I can see how that could be done.

#/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT

set vPath to (path to the home folder as string) & “[PUT FOLDER NAME HERE WITH COLONS INSTEAD OF SLASHES”

alias vPath

tell application “Contacts” to launch

tell application “Contacts”


repeat with cardPerson in people

set nameOfvCard to name of cardPerson & “.vcf”

set outFile to (open for access file (vPath & “:” & nameOfvCard) with write permission)

write (vcard of cardPerson as text) to outFile

close access outFile

end repeat

end try


end tell


The Hook App works to create a link back to an iOS Contact so you can do that:

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File > Import > Contacts


I should have remembered and mentioned that File > Import > Contacts method. Another good way, of course. Like so many things in DEVONthink (which is why I find it so interesting and useful) many ways to do things.

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