Using DTPO to create a useful copy archive

Hi - I write advertising copy and conceptual marketing materials for movies and TV. Been doing it a long time, and I have quite a backlog of files for projects I’ve worked on. I would love to be able to use DTPO to archive it into a really useful searchable database that I could refer to easily to jab thinking. Seems like a great use for it.

My first attempt at doing this has turned into a bit of a nightmare. I have movie projects sorted into Genres (Action, Horror, Comedy etc) and then into titles. And I loaded the copy submission files into DTPO in their folders, and now the database is just so massive I don’t know how to make it useful to me. On top of that I stupidly imported a bunch of email folders with script submissions attached to emails. On those I can see a “word” icon, but can’t open the file. Not sure why.

So it’s kind of a mess.

I would like to be able to input key words and bring up scripts relevant to what I’m working on. Can I build on what I’ve done or do I have to start again?

Any suggestions will be welcome. thanks

DEVONsphere Express might actually be more suitable for this scenario, e.g. it can automatically display related documents (depending on the document/file you’re currently working on in the active application) and index all your projects without having to add them to a database.