using OCR to sort scaned papers

i would Like some ideas about how i can use OCR to sort scaned papers.

my ideal worflow would be:
i receive a lot of papers every day : biological results, letters, …
i Will scan all these papers with s1500 and OCR them
and with an automatic script which recognize some keywords, DTPO would sort these papers to dedicated folders.

is there a way to do that with DTPO?

thanks for your help

This is indeed scriptable, here’s a simple example:

-- Automatic filing based on keywords

property pKeywords : {"Test", "House"}

tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
	set theSelection to the selection
	repeat with theRecord in theSelection
		set theText to plain text of theRecord
		set didMove to false
		repeat with theKeyword in pKeywords
			if theText contains theKeyword then
				set theDatabase to database of theRecord
				set theGroup to create location ("/" & theKeyword) in theDatabase
				if didMove is false then
					move record theRecord to theGroup
					set didMove to true
					replicate record theRecord to theGroup
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

And a revised script which is tagging the selected items instead of moving/replicating them:

-- Automatic tagging based on keywords

property pKeywords : {"Test", "House"}

tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
	set theSelection to the selection
	repeat with theRecord in theSelection
		set theText to plain text of theRecord
		set shouldTag to false
		set theTags to tags of theRecord
		repeat with theKeyword in pKeywords
			if theText contains theKeyword then
				set theTags to theTags & theKeyword
				set shouldTag to true
			end if
		end repeat
		if shouldTag then set tags of theRecord to theTags
	end repeat
end tell

DTPO is realy a very powerfull software.

where can i learn how to use AppleScript?

another question: is it possible to attach the script to a folder in the database?
and at least with this script: moving files to folders which already and not creating new folder?

thanks a lot for your answers

The first step is to have a look at the supported commands by dropping an application on the AppleScript editor application. The second step might be a book/tutorial but as I’ve never read one, someone else might be able to recommend a good one.

It’s possible to attacht scripts to any item (see Info panel) and opening/viewing it executes the script. But the example scripts are just using the selection and are therefore
not suitable without additional work.

You could replace the line…

	set theGroup to create location ("/" & theKeyword) in theDatabase


	set theGroup to parent named theKeyword in theDatabase

But this requires that the groups already exist.

Best way to learn any language is to use it. Lots of scripting examples in this forum are good models and easily adapted. The forum is also a venerable institution on the topic with friendly participants and lots of documentation.