View Info-pane "Location" as dropdown list

Is it possible to view the Info-pane “Location” information as a dropdown menu, similar to the way that “Instances” are displayed?

“Location” information currently displays as a stream of icons. For deeply nested folders it is 1) difficult to see the folder name; and 2) difficult to click on all the folders in the sequence.

The “Instances” dropdown is so much easier to use and well done. All the folders in the hierarchy can be seen at a glance with full names, and easy to click on.


No this is not possible.

Command-click the title in the window title to see a drop down of the location.

Thanks Bluefrog. I think that shows the system-level hierarchy, not the DT database hierarchy, right?

I’m talking here about the named folders visible within the DT program, not the absolute location of the files on the computer. (if that makes sense, not sure exactly how to describe it!)

I should add that I realize there are other ways to see the folder/file location such as the left side pane and at the top of the middle pane. It’s just the “location” feature in the info-pane that I find is not as helpful as it could be.

No. It shows the location in the database in DEVONthink.