Viewing issues: Show only sub groups ? Expand collapse groups ? Show Name only when viewing as list with Preview Widescreen


A- When viewing a group, I know how to show only documents. Is there a way to
1- show only sub groups (only folders)
2- toggle expand collapse those groups

B- When viewing as list with Preview Widescreen, the document/Group list is too busy which makes the names non readable (see below). I know that I can right click and unselect everything except name but this is too time consuming to be of any practical use.
I am looking for a way to toggle show only name, or even ideally that the default when viewing as list with Preview Widescreen would be to show the name only.
Strangely, I have been using DevonThink for quite a few years and this is one of the major problems I have never overcome.

thanks in advance for your time and help

That’s actually what the sidebar shows.


yes, you are right. I was focusing in the wrong place. Thank you Christian.

and what about the toggle name only. Would you have any suggestions ?

There’s no such option currently.

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an AppleScript would be more elegant, but this keyboard maestro macro toggles all except for the name on and off.