Webdav error message NSURLErrorDomain -1005 - while synchronizing

Hello everyone,
I have problems to sync devonthing on finally all methods - only Dropbox. But Dropbox storage in US and not DSGVO conform. Cloudme is not answering my questions and so I decide to pCLOUD - it’s in EU a famous high professional provider and located in switzerland.
Okay - here I can only use Webdav because a native Service in devonthink are not provided - what a little pitty. I don’t like to tell anything about iCloud Kit - it’s a mess from Apfel
Now to errormessage I get during sync process

  • Die Netzwerkverbindung wurde unterbrochen. (ewebdav.pcloud.com) Unterbrochene Netzwerkverbindung. (NSURLErrorDomain -1005)
    unfortunately I don’t find any description on the error message.

second one - internal Server Error 500

Any assistance very appreciated!
Thanks guys

Welcome @AtzeHey
That’s not a DEVONthink error. It’s an error with the remote server, in this case pCloud. When you see a 500 error, it’s the remote server. You should check their status or contact their support.

thanks for quick answer.
Mh… I configered now (for test) pCloud at local sync store - puh very impressed from speed - mac DB was synced in seconds. I uploaded also 10GB without any issues.
There are maybe any issue in the timeout setting for webdav (where we don’t have access ;-))
The pain I have - I like to sync the db’s with my iOS devices - there I have only webdav available.
Local Sync store for Mac and webdav for iOS Devices seems to work - but need some more time to double check - transfered only 1db for now - now the second - I have two db’s - hopfully it works.

Please allow me the question - what means the other error message - apprears a lot times during Webdav sync with my mac


My hunch is your configuration on your devices do not match up with what the service provider’s server expects, or the service provider’s service is unreliable. check with the service provider for help and match that up with what it says in the DEVONthink Manual for setting up WebDav.

Re your concern about location of Dropbox international servers. Perhaps contact them as my hunch again they are familiar with the legal words you say. Also remember that the data on the servers, including WebDav, are not DEVONthink databases but encrypted sync data readable only by DEVONthink.

Hello @mscheidl
Thanks for sharing your assumptions. I agree with you, it seems the configuration fits not exactly. I will reach out to the service provider and start any deep diving on the topic. In case anyone is interested on the outcome I will share the results maybe tweaks.

Yes Dropbox provides also DSGVO compatible Cloud Service in EU - but not for private persons - at least it so expensive that I don’t want to afford that - it’s “only” cloud storage - not more :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks again for support
Have a nice Day