WebDAV vs. iCloud (CloudKit)


I have a working WebDAV Sync to my Syno, after upgrading to DEVONthink To Go 3.0 I wonder, what the speed difference for syncing is between WebDAV and iCloud (CloudKit)?

Is it worth from a sync speed point of view to change from WebDAV to iCloud (CloudKit)? Are there other reasons like sync robustness for a change or I am I well off using WebDAV going forward?

Would like to know more about pros/cons regarding those sync types.

Best regards,

is not the best thing for you to set up a test and do your own benchmarks? depends on a number of factors in your control (bandwidth, memory, etc.)

For me I just let it rip in the background. How long it takes does not real matter.

Actually this would be a good test, yes. However if there is some general knowledge already available - at least for me - itā€™s not worth the hassle to find it out myself.

Furthermore there could be some more insights regarding stability that you wouldnā€™t find out with a simple speed test.

I think there is mention in the release notes and in other posts here.

Welcome @schmudi

This is impossible to answer as there are too many variables in the equation.

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I beg to differ. Whoever might have conducted such a test

  • might have a different LAN technology (10 Mbps/100Mbps/1Gbps?)
  • might have a different desktop computer
  • might have a different Synology device
  • might be connected to the Synology device by wire or WLAN
  • might have a different router
  • might have a different internet connection (DSL/VDSL/cable, whatnot)

So what could you possibly learn for your situation from a speed test conducted in a completely different environment.
In addition, I donā€™t think that ā€œspeedā€ is a very important factor in anything but the very first sync. Unless, of course, you add hundreds of files to on device in between syncs.


Why do you want to replace a working sync solution with something else? I donā€˜t understand your motivation.

In my scenario I am too syncing locally ā€” for a good reason: I am capturing sensual and business data that are highly private and sensitive. I am not allowed by european and german laws to let that data leave the EU.
In fact I am not interested without any laws to copy my data into a cloud. Remember: A cloud is just someone elseā€œs computerā€¦

That went wellā€¦

Just wanted to know pros and cons for WebDAV vs. iCloud (CloudKit). From times to times there are changes which arenā€™t evolutionary but revolutionary. So if the general feedback had been iCloud (CloudKit) is say 100 times faster than WebDAV due to another architectural approach I would like to know that. I am sure computer scientists could have figured this out themself, but as I am not one of those I am glad to ask in the forum :slight_smile:

I take along that there is no major difference and all other factors like security considerations, network speeds et cetera are more crucial. Thanks for helping out.

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I use WebDAV, and it Is significantly faster than iCloud (CloudKit)
I have Synology Nas 1621+ and 218+
Linksys velop
First sync with 15000 files was blazing
No problems at all and feels secure.
iCloud is good but not fast as WebDAV for me
I access it remotely over 4g

great, thanks for the insight

Do bear in mind, these answers are anecdotal.
Your mileage, as they say, may vary. :slight_smile:
