I use DT on my Mac and DTTG on my iPhone, but sync is very weird.
The scenario.
I use DT most of the time, but here and there I need to get infos on the go when I’m on my iPhone.
But when I’m on DTTG and try to download a new file to open it, it usually takes long time before having access to it.
Usually I first need to wait for DTTG to sync the whole database: sometimes it takes minutes, because I’ve put lot of content when on my Mac.
Only after I can download my specified file and open it.
The problem is I need the info and the fly, maybe a colleague of mine asks me for a simple data about a project: I can’t say “Ok, wait some minutes because I can’t open the file right now”.
Many times the file is a simple MD file, less than 200 bytes…and I have to wait tens of seconds, sometimes minutes, in order to open it.
Furthermore, often it takes many attempts before having DTTG fully synced before I can access such small file.
Today I wasn’t able to open the file: I tap the file, the wheel starts to cycle, then stop but the file is still grayed out. I tappet it several times but nothing.
Any fix to suggest?
I sync via iCloud, Dropbox is not a viable solution because I don’t want to pay for another service I’d use only to sync DT.
I have Google Drive, too, that I can use, if needed.
Bonjour is a “so and so” solution: many times my Mac and my iPhone aren’t on the same network, sometimes they are under VPN, and it’s not automatic.
It’s very frustrating.
Think of a common situation of mine: I’m on the rush, I’m flying to a school for a classroom, and while reaching the school I ask myself “Ok, what did I do during the last session? Did something notable happened during the last session?”.
So I catch my iPhone, open up DTTG, select the Markdown file fo the last session, tap it to download, but…I can’t because I need to wait for DTTG to complete its sync.
In the meanwhile I’m arrived at school and have to enter the classroom and start my training.
Having an always downloaded group on DTTG is not a viable solution because sometimes I need data from old files, even years ago.