What Does Groups Mean in the Concordance?

I’m running a concordance on a database that has 5 groups and yet when I run the concordance I get some words that are appearing in up to 19 groups (at least according to the concordance list). What does the group column in the concordance actually mean if not “how many groups the words appears in?” Am I not understanding it, or is this a bug? Thanks.

BTW, I deleted all smart groups and tags so that documents aren’t accidentally showing up in another group other than the one I filed it in.


This might be a bug or an “unintended” consequence of the optimized concordance of v2 speeding up see also/classify around 10 times compared to v1.x. Anyway, I’ll check this.


I was wondering if you’ve ever looked into the issue of (incorrect) number of groups in the concordance? I just upgraded to 2.0.7 but I’m still getting incorrect numbers for # of groups containing a word. Thanks.


I had a look at the issue but fixing it is not trivial as it might have an impact on searching, performance and the AI.