What efficiency-enhancing DT feature took you far too long to discover about the program, that you now use constantly?

I have so many of these and thought it might be fun for users to some of these. For me:

  • Assigning replicants via Move-To (Control-Command-M) pop-up: I realized only very recently that once the desired replicant group is selected from this pop-up (which I get to, by typing), I can then simply hold-down Command+Option to replicate the currently-selected item into that group, by double-clicking. …and if the group doesn’t already exist, it can be created, also, from that pop-up. (Previous workflow was to open a second window, navigate to where I wanted to replicate to, check to make sure the group existed (create one if I not), then back in the original window, right-click the item, mouse to Replicate, then choose top item on the list (if I created a new group) or, more clunky; drag the item to the new group (in the other window) by holding down modifier keys.)

Earlier today I realized I can reveal the findings of a search in a new window. If we could always do this, I can’t believe it took me so long to discover this :grinning:.


Replicating is also possible via the See Also & Classify inspector, by the way.

? How does one do this ?

Using Cmd + [ to move back from a link clicked on in a markdown file (and Cmd + ] to move back again)—in other words, to move backwards and forwards between documents.


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Great question.

The fact you can widen the Annotations inspector window by dragging it to the left making it easier to work on the annotation side-by-side with the source document. It’s probably in the manual somewhere.

I still haven’t got my head around saved workspaces. I have a nagging feeling they could be life-changing in some way…

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Thanks, Jim.

I know - it’s like the guy at Ikea said, “Read The Instructions”. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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And you’re welcome :slight_smile:

@rpor right click on the search result, but before clicking Reveal, hold down Option. Then the contextual menu offers “Reveal in New Window.”