What is the minimum OS and ram to run the current DEVONthink? Can I get a previous version,?

I know somebody who is trying to prepare their legal case, and I want to help them out. I want to pick up a used laptop, and a seat with my account on DEVONthink.

What specs are the minimum for the laptop for the current version of DEVONthink?
Can I use an older laptop with an older version of DEVONthink?

The current version requires Mojave or later, though if you don’t mind a more basic feature set you can run DT Server in a browser on older (and non-Mac) systems with as many seats as you want. Though the upgrade to Server is pricey, it stacks up fairly well against the price of a second-hand laptop.

  1. The more RAM, the better.
  2. 256GB hard drive is a minimum recommendation, not for DEVONthink alone, but to have a somewhat functional machine with room for scratch space, etc.
  3. While it’s true Mojave is the minimum system requirement, we would strongly encourage running Catalina or later (though not Sonoma at this point).
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