What primary launcher utility are you using?

Probably, but it’s something I didn’t have to fiddle with before Spotlight Went Wrong and the Alfred flow isn’t quite right by default.

I changed to Alfred because it was more powerful but I haven’t got round to playing with it seriously yet. I’m trying to restrict my rabbit hole visits at the moment…

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I’m trying to restrict my rabbit hole visits at the moment…

It’s difficult to do, I know. :smiley:


Thanks for this. I use Raycast, but I still use specific apps for clipboard management (Copy 'em) and window management (Moom). I love what Raycast does and will stay with it, but the all-in-one approach doesn’t appeal to me.

Since I wrote this, I’ve gone all in with Raycast. Never looked back.

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Once upon a time, I was a devoted LaunchBar user. Switched to Alfred (+ Powerpack) about 5 years ago and now rely on that steadily (about 28 times a day on average, Alfred tells me, though many days it must be well over twice that often). I’ve played a bit with Bunch, whose plain text-based model for setting up “bunches” of apps to run/quit simultaneously I liked, but in the end I found I didn’t use it after the first few days of play so I uninstalled it.

Alfred is muscle memory at this point. I don’t use Alfred Workflows as heavily as many do; haven’t found a need for more than a few of them, though I’m sure there are others out there that would be useful. I’m intrigued by Raycast and have been thinking about giving it a chance.

Other automation tools, which sometimes amount to launchers… BetterTouchTool (only recently started that, have only touched, ahem, on its potential, just have been short on time recently to explore it fully). I’ve played around with macOS Shortcuts a good bit, have a handful of those at the ready, but I don’t use it as much as I had anticipated. Keyboard Maestro is installed but I also don’t use it as often as I expected I would. Way back in the day, I was a devoted and, I dare say, pretty accomplished QuicKeys user. I imagined that Keyboard Maestro might have the same importance in my workflows now but it hasn’t. Maybe the workflow has changed?