What to do with "Inconsistencies"

I’ve had a running problem with “inconsistencies” for about a month.

  • I first ran Verify & Repair and got 3 inconsistencies.

  • I’ve tried both “repair” and “ignore”, then re-run V&R only to get the same message about 3 inconsistencies.

  • Next I ran “optimize DB” followed by V&R, again the same message

  • Next “rebuild DB”, three times. Same error message each time.

  • What is the proper way to handle this issue???


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There are zero-byte files in the database and should be listed in Window > Log.
Control-click and moving them to the database’s Trash and emptying the Trash would resolve the issue.

You can also reveal them via the contextual menu if you want to inspect where they are before deleting them.

I have exactly the same problem and there are no files listed in the log window…
And this prevents local sync to iOS.

Did you try File > Verify & Repair Database…?

I am having this issue, which came to my attention after upgrading to 3.6.3 on a Mac running 10.14.6.

Repairing the database fails, leaving 2 inconsistencies. The Log window does not report which files are causing the issue. Is there another way to locate the problem files?

I am syncing this database to an M1 Mac and to iOS. The other Mac shows the same behavior with 2 inconsistencies. How can I resolve this? Rebuild Database makes me nervous considering the sync.

Assuming the inconsistencies are caused by 0-size files, the way to find them if they are no being listed in the log (I wonder why not) would be to set up a smart group like this:


Interesting. I had 235 size 0 documents (I exported them, the document names were notes I took sometime in the last millenium, no idea how that got there), trashed them and emptied the trash.

Bingo, the 2 inconsistencies are gone! And suddenly a bunch of documents synced. Thank you.

I trust a future update will render this arcane knowledge unnecessary. :slight_smile:

Na, this is all part of a larger plan which sees me setting up a consultancy disseminating simple but obscure & expensive knowledge in relation to DEVONthink, getting rich quick and then spending the rest of my life riding my bike.

It is very possible, however, that DEVONtech will destroy my plans :wink:

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I would definitely recommend additional plans too :smiley:


This worked for me. Very helpful. Thanks!

Welcome @tlhooper

Glad to have you here :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for this! I had the exact same problem. It worked for me, too. And like ferebee, I hope a future update will make this arcane knowledge unnecessary. (:smile:

The next release will improve the maintenance algorithms. Stay tuned and thanks for your patience and understanding.

Awesome – thank you!

I am having the same problem. The window log isn’t showing the inconsistent files and the “size 0” smart group referenced here does not retrieve any files.

Have you emptied the trash?