Where does Default Annotation — Markdown live?

I’d like to edit the default markdown annotation (Annotations & Reminders > New from Template > Default Annotation – Markdown) but I can’t find it.

Before I switched to M1, I had a custom markdown template that would pull the file name of the document I was annotating and create the new file name with that (%documentName% (Annotation).md) but it doesn’t work anymore–the new file name is literally %documentName% (Annotation)–so I’m looking for other solutions.

The default annotations are part of the application package, see Contents > Resources > Annotation.md. But please don’t modify anything inside of application package as this would corrupt the code signature.

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So is there a way to correct the behavior so that my custom annotation pulls the document name into the annotation’s filename the way it used to instead of “%documentName%”?

Just copy the default annotation to ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Annotations.noindex and customize it as desired.

That worked. Thanks!

Sorry, where is this file Annotation.md?


I think you should right click on the Devonthink application and select show package contents and the follow @cgrunenberg’s location

EDIT: except it is not there!

Thanks. Took a while to figure out need to right click on the Devonthink application. It is under Contents > Resources > en.lproj > Annotation.md for English language.

There are two more folders: de.lproj and fr.lproj, for German and French, I think.

Yes, but note it’s generally inadvisable to mess about inside the application package.