
Devonthink is great. I store everything in it. Some mac apps I use come and go. However Devonthink is probably my main app along with omnifocus. I have used them for years.

However for me it is mainly for storage of stuff. I would love to have a whiteboard area (rather like curio) where I can move stuff around and visually relate items and timelines.?

My feature request is for a whiteboard and timeline functionality.

As far as timeline functionality goes you should definitely look at Aeontimeline. There is a script written by Korm which allows you to export any selection of docs to Aeon with links back to Devonthink.

[url]Export to Aeon Timeline]

If you like the visual metaphor of moving things around Scrivener has a very nice freeform card view which might suffice for specific projects.


I heatedly second the recommendation of this software but can you please expand on what you mean by “with links back to Devonthink”? I have this script installed and it does not actually go back to, i.e. find or open the linked document in DevonthinkPro Office; unless, of course, I am doing something wrong which is entirely possible!

Having said that the script is excellent for getting a reference to the document into Aeontimeline and for that I thank Korm for a useful script.

AFAICT, Aeon Timeline does not recognize any “external links” (Aeon’s term in it’s Inspector) that do not use “http://” protocol. DEVONthink, Evernote, MacJournal, file:// – all these are ignored. IIRC, @Allsop a year or so ago asked the Aeon dev to consider supporting custom URLs for DEVONthink links – though nothing happened for a very long time. I’ve recently asked the dev again to consider support all custom URLs. But for now, as @Allsop points out, not possible with Aeon Timeline.

Timeline 3D does recognize DEVONthink links.

Thanks Korm. I will also ask the Aeon dev for this.