WikiLinks and Aliases in DT 3 not working when in brackets ()


after reading this post I was experimenting with aliases and WikiLinks in DT2 and DT3. In DT3 the Aliases do not become links, when in Brackets. In DT2 this works. It ist only when using brackets. So writing (ArtificialIntelligence) in the text is not recognized, while “ArtificialIntelligence” is recognized.

Maybe I have configured something wrong? Configuration ist attached below.

See Screenshots. The one about KünstlicheIntelligenz ist in DT3, the other in DT2.

In DT3 the Aliases do not become links, when in Brackets

Are you referring to or do you mean parentheses? (I’m assuming the latter.)

I’m not seeing an issue in an RTF file here…

I think what he means is that, when using markdown files, auto-linking does not work if the word is between parentheses or brackets.


I am also curious about this. :blush:

Also, I noticed that ‘copy paragraph link’ seems to work on plain text files, but not on markdown. Is there a reason for this?

I think what he means is that, when using markdown files , auto-linking does not work if the word is between parentheses or brackets.

  • Brackets are Markdown specific, so I wouldn’t be using them outside their intended purpose.
  • Double-brackets is supported but you’d have to choose the appropriate option.

Also, I noticed that ‘copy paragraph link’ seems to work on plain text files, but not on markdown. Is there a reason for this?

Umm… beta? :wink:
@cgrunenberg would have to comment on this and the parentheses condition.

OK, I understand the special character thing in markdown. DT2 shows the link in the markdown file when in edit mode. This link is working, but when in preview mode the link is not displayed anymore. You always have to switch to edit mode to show the link and to use it.

I have tried to escape the parentheses in my markdown file with a backslash, as mentioned in the markdown reference, but that doesn’t work, too. Maybe it’s possible to make links work when parentheses are escaped?

So if you write something like that \(AliasToFile\) the link ist working. Maybe @cgrunenberg can consider something like that for future releases.

Beta 3 will support this.

Thank you for implementing this :blush:
Works great :+1:

I have stumbled onto the same issue – WikiLinks do not work inside parentheses unless you escape the opening one.
This seems quite a hassle to think about escaping parentheses all the time when you’re just writing. Is there a plan to intelligently detect if parentheses are associated to brackets, hence making them a Markdown link, or if they are on their own, hence being just semantic parentheses, so as to process WIkiLinks in the second case but not the first?

The next release will improve this.

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Awesome! Looking forward to it, thank you.