Wikilinks in markdown square brackets


Right now, it seems that anything that is inside square brackets cannot be a wikilink. I guess they are practical reasons because brackets are used for links, but as long as the brackets are not used for such markdown tags, they seem treated as regular text by the markdown processor: in that case is it possible to enable wikilinks inside them?

Thank you


WikiLinks are created in double square bracket syntax not single square brackets so I’m uncertain what the issue is.
Please clarify your inquiry.

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Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 19.13.52

Something like that.

And what exactly is the use case here? I’ve never seen anyone using such a syntax.

Well this is not a markdown syntax, I just have to use a lot of brackets in translation works.

Well, square brackets mean something in Markdown so you can’t just use them however you want to. If you want to use them per your example, you must escape them, e.g.…


I understand, but with that logic even a dot should be escaped. I understand that wikilinks are disabled inside of the brackets of wikilinks and url, but in situations where the brackets (and it could be said of dots, hyphens etc.) does not mean anything in markdown, they are just text, and they correctly render as “real” text. So I believe that what is inside should also be considered as “real” text.
I think this is a real issue, as wikilinks do not work even in inline footnotes because they are disabled too aggressively inside brackets.

You are describing unusual conditions, not general issues. And you are reporting behavior outside the scope of Markdown which has no support for WikiLinks. Development would have to assess feasibility and the broader appeal to such changes in behavior.

Sure, I get that this is a marginal issue.

Do you happen to have an example document or two?
If so, you could open a support ticket and send them along for us to inspect.

Thank you, I will send a few paragraphs of a a text that shows my use of brackets.