WikiLinks on DTTG

Working great on iPhone and iPad, it’s a pleasure to use. Thanks again for the great work.


Wikilinks are working wonderfully. Good job successfully bringing this feature to DTTG and making it so easy to use.

Here are a couple of things that seem to be bugs.

(1) Restart Needed
Sometimes, links don’t register like they ought to, but a restart will get them working. Ideally, I’d like to avoid this.

(2) Japanese Language Titles
A minor problem I’ve found on DT and DTTG is that Japanese spaces in the titles sometimes cause the links to fail. Specifically, what is called “full-width” (全角 or zenkaku) . At least, this seems to be the cause. Any improvements to this would be greatly appreciated.

The first one below works fine. It’s got regular spaces. The second one has full-width spaces and doesn’t work in DT or DTTG.

20230907 テスト ノート test note 01.txt
20230907 テスト ノート test note 02.txt

Seems that the forum changed the spaces, everything seems to be working as expected. But a screenshot of Preferences > WikiLinks would be useful.

Hi. Thanks for taking a look at it. Indeed, the forum does seem to have “fixed” it. And, DT (recently?) has been “fixing” the spaces as well. That might explain why the problem hasn’t come up as often these days. Stil, it still crops up and causes me problems, so a fix would be nice. Here is a screenshot from DT.

In case that you should be able to reproduce this, then please duplicate the necessary documents to a new database, export the database via File > Export > Database Archive… and send the archive to cgrunenberg - at -

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