Word files with embedded jpgs

My word files lose embedded jpgs when placed in DT. Is there a way to circumvent this problem?

Which version of DEVONthink are you using? Version 2 doesn’t convert files while importing them but the display is up to the OS.

I am using vers. 1 Devonthink and OS 10.4. I am getting a mac with Leopard this week, and will check to see if the jpgs show up there.

Is there a maximum size of word files allowed? I noticed that a file I had with 10 mb not only fails to show jpgs, it shows NOTHING, and the directory lists it as zero kb,

DEVONthink 1.x doesn’t copy MS Word files into the database, but uses a feature in OS X 10.4 to capture the text – but not images nor full layout and formatting – as a rich text document in the database. That rich text document retains a path link to the actual Word file, which is external to the database and should be retained in case access to the full file is needed. To see those embedded JPEG images, you will need to open the original Word file under MS Word.

DEVONthink 2.0 does copy MS Word files into the database when they are imported. The default rendering of a Word file is via Apple’s Quick Look, which can display images as well as text, although it is not necessarily faithful to the formatting and layout. An alternative view as a rich text document is also available, allowing copying selected text to the clipboard, clicking on hyperlinks, etc. The ‘Open With’ command (and the toolbar command to open externally in the parent application) allows one to open the Word file under MS Word, edit it and save it back into the database.

Both DT 1.x and DT 2 make the textual information content of Word documents available in the database, melding that information with information from documents of other filetypes such as plain and rich text, HTML, WebArchive, PDF, etc.