Workspace menu indicator

These are great but, so often I ‘forget’ which workspace I am in. My wish is for an indicator - maybe in the menu bar - which immediately tells me which workspace I am in.

The request is noted with no promises.

This isn’t quite what you’re looking for and you’re probably already well aware of it, but I find it useful that the current workspace is indicated in the Go => Workspaces => Update menu option, which displays the name of the current workspace and invaluably allows it to be updated with the current state. (I use this a lot.)

Yes, that was my first thought as well. However, since it’s within the Go submenus, I didn’t mention it. :slight_smile:

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Thanks @NickLowe - my wish is for a more ‘in my face’ notice. I tend to get into my workflow and shift into views appropriate for a different workspace often - I also then forget to update the original workspace before switching to a new one. … oh for improved memory :slight_smile:

I use Keyboard Maestro to display custom titles on my menubar. So I thought to attempt creating something similar for Devonthink for the workspace as you mentioned.

But I encountered some problems which I’m unsure if it is the intentional behaviour from DT.

Keyboard Maestro’s Macro:

However it doesn’t work with multiple opened workspaces. It retains the last opened workspace. If you open “Workspace 1”, then “Workspace 2”, the variable retains “Workspace 2” even if you switch your active window to “Workspace 1”.

I suspect this is the correct behaviour as it is similarly reflected under Go->Workspaces->Update “(Workspace)”. Then again given how easily you can navigate out of your workspace I don’t know what’s the workaround for it.

Neat. I’ve not yet taken the plunge with keyboard maestro …

You could use a simple script like this in DEVONthink and run it as you need to…

tell application id "DNtp"
		set ws to (current workspace)
		display notification "is the active workspace." with title ws
	on error
		display notification "No workspace in use."
	end try
end tell

This would also be seen in the Notification Center…


Sweet! I will experiment further with this.