Add Notes via x-devonthink URL scheme?

Not currently, no.

Does anybody know how to add voicenotes instead of text?

x-devonthink://createMedia or x-devonthink://createVoiceNotes or …
tried different url version but I was not able to create a url to quickly open the recorder

I am looking for a faster way to capture audionotes. Idea was a url to open the recorder, saved as an action in Launchcenter Pro.

At the moment you need 5 clicks to

  • open devonthink
  • tap on +
  • select media
  • select voice note
  • hit record button

Would like to reduce it for quick capture

Such URLs are not supported at this time.

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Thank you!

I will stay at my current workflow, using dictate + for Audio Notes
This needs 5 taps too, but you have more comfort during recording.

  1. start dictate +
  2. start new dictate
  3. hit record (stops automatically if you stop)
  4. tap on quickshare
  5. import to devonthink (global inbox to proceed later)

Have you tried playing a note you’ve imported into DEVONthink?
If not, could you? Thanks!

paul.k: if your device has 3D touch, then the steps are one less:

  • 3D touch on DTTG app icon
  • select New Media
  • select Voice Note
  • hit record

I do, though, agree that recording in dictate+ is a more comfortable / dependable experience. Its editing features are nice, too.

I tried, and it works fine.
The files from Dictate + are mp4-aac by default.
You can choose mp4 / wav / aiff as fileformat.

I dont encrypt the files, but the option is available in dictate

@dgbeecher: unfortunately no 3d-touch
Tried the Plus Versions, going back to the smaller 6S and now I am happy using the SE
Its my prefered size and design…

Thanks! I had run into an issue with Apple’s Voice Memos, so I wasn’t sure. Cheers! :smiley:

I’m finally getting around to setting this stuff up, it’s really intriguing.

I am stuck on one thing, though. Is there any way to add a location in the URL scheme so notes get dumped into a specific folder instead of the global inbox?

I’ve tried “&location=[copied/pasted item link], but it seems to be ignored.


location = a record’s URL
destination = the UUID of a database / group

See this: Facebook Posts via IFTTT to Google Drive to DevonThink

PS: This stuff is covered in the Help and manual too.

Currently I use Drafts 4.0 to create a MD note and send to DEVONThink


However I am looking for a way to automate the tagging and filing to a specific folder. Can anyone suggest anything?


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There is a tags parameter and a destination parameter. The destination requires the UUID of the destination group (availably by a long press on the group > Info in DTTG2). You’ll need to strip off the x-devonthink-item://

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I use this:


But if you want the tags to be re-added, just replace [[line|3]] with the tags comma separated, no spaces, for example that tags example and today would be &tags=example,today

Another action I have is for the tags to be set, but also I can add custom ones if they are in line 3, for example: &tags=example,today,[[line|3]] This would add the tags example, today, and any tags that are listed on line 3 of the draft.

The destination is the UUID of the group or Inbox that you want them to be sent to.

Location is the URL if there is one.

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Thanks that’s a great help :smiley:

And as a member of the Drafts 5 beta crew, I can tell you that this gets MUCH easier with Drafts 5, which actually supports tags for each Draft.

Yes I’m on the D5 beta also and have made myself a nice action with prompts - as you said MUCH easier!!

i’ve just discovered clutter-free Markdown to be the best way for me to save articles that i’ve read to DT.
however, i was trying to find a way to trigger a clutter-free option in the URL scheme (that i trigger via safari bookmarklet) but couldn’t find an attribute(?) in the URL to specify if i want the regular or decluttered version…

does anybody know if there is one?

No, there isn’t a urlScheme supporting the clutter-free option.

no problem then – will have to use the good-old clipper window then…)

on a related note, do you maybe know why some (most?) Medium articles are showing a “302 Found” error when saved in clutter-free mode in any of available formats (and in both clutter-free and clutter-full Markdown format)?

sorry, if this is deviates from this thread’s topic…

Medium is using redirects, so the URL being passed to the clutter-free handler has no more data to capture. It doesn’t follow a redirect.