I’m just playing with an idea, and would welcome any input. Reading through this forum, my feeling is that there are two types of data loss - apparent and inapparent. Apparent data loss would be a catastrophic failure, e.g. database will not open, is empty, fails to verify etc.; inapparent data loss is one noticed only at a random point in time when the user wants to access a specific file - see here for an example. There are a small number of other reports of data loss of this category dotted around the forum. The number is small enough not to really worry me.
Whilst backups are an easy solution to apparent data loss, they are less helpful in the case of inapparent loss. The backup may even be deleted by the time the data loss is noticed, or loss may only apply to a small selection of files which can be complex to replace from a backup of the database.
I wondered whether a checksum could help detect otherwise inapparent changes to files; it would not, of course, make loss of the file as a whole apparent.
The following script - run from a smart rule limiting the script e.g. to locked PDFs - adds a checksum to custom meta data or compares that checksum with the current checksum of the file. Run e.g. once a week this could help detect otherwise inapparent changes to data. It requires a custom single-line text metadata field called “SHA1” with identifier “sha1”. It could easily be changed to run without user intervention (i.e. without a warning dialog, only tagging failed files. Edit: dialog now self-dismissing, so will run w/o user intervention. Files failing the check are tagged “Checksum”)
The script isn’t madly fast - taking approx 4.5 s for 246 PDFs with a total size of 1.8 GB.
I’m not posting the script to advocate using it - it’s a thought experiment, and I look forward to feedback and ideas. Clearly this script would be no use for files which are regularly altered - most of mine are not and are, instead, marked as locked.
property pTag : "Checksum"
on performSmartRule(theRecords)
tell application id "DNtp"
set theCount to 0
show progress indicator "Processing Checksums" cancel button 1 steps count of theRecords
repeat with theRecord in theRecords
step progress indicator
-- if available get saved Checksum from record
set md to custom meta data of theRecord
set OldCheck to mdsha1 of md
on error
set OldCheck to ""
end try
-- get the current Checksum of the record
set thePath to path of theRecord as string
set CheckSum to do shell script "/usr/bin/openssl sha1 " & quoted form of thePath
set CheckSum to texts ((offset of "= " in CheckSum) + 2) thru -1 of CheckSum
-- set the Checksum if none previously set - otherwise compare previous and current, warn and add "Checksum" tag if discrepancy
if OldCheck is equal to "" then
add custom meta data CheckSum for "SHA1" to theRecord
else if OldCheck is not equal to CheckSum then
set theDialog to "Record " & name of theRecord & "
Has Changed! Reset Checksum?"
set AskUser to display alert "Checksum Error!" message theDialog as critical buttons {"Fail", "Reset"} default button "Fail" giving up after 30
if button returned of AskUser is "Reset" then
add custom meta data CheckSum for "SHA1" to theRecord
-- tags routine adapted from suavito, posted May 2020 https://discourse.devontechnologies.com/t/applescript-to-delete-tags/9583/17
-- remove "Checksum" tag if Checksum is reset
set theNewList to {}
set theList to tags of theRecord
repeat with n from 1 to count of theList
set theNewItem to item n of theList
if theNewItem is not "Checksum" then set theNewList to theNewList & theNewItem
end repeat
set tags of theRecord to theNewList
set theCount to theCount + 1
set tags of theRecord to tags of theRecord & pTag
end if
end if
end repeat
display notification (theCount as string) & " Records Failed" with title "Processed Checksums"
on error error_message number error_number
hide progress indicator
if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
end try
hide progress indicator
end tell
end performSmartRule
Edit: changed dialog to be self-dismissing, added notification