All pdf files are locked/read-only after latest update


I updated to the latest version of DT just now (3.9.1) but I can no longer annotate any of my documents/pdf’s. It seems as if the latest update made all my files read-only. I use DT everyday to read and highlight pdf’s, but now, after updating, Im unable to annotate any of them.

Any one else experience this? I’ve reported the bug, but thought I’d share here as well…

Update: It seems as if only some of the files have been locked/made read-only by the latest update. It seems very abritrary. I wonder what the read-only indicator actually signifies, because the respective files aren’t really read-only. That is, they are not locked in Finder, or in other PDF viewers (like Preview and UPDF).

So any explanation as to what read-only means within DT is very appreciated.

You might want to use the search function in the forum, as this topic has been discussed thoroughly before.

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Thank you, I just did, and it seems to me that DT have added a function to automatically lock files that it deems corrupted? Strange that this would happen to files that it haven’t treated as corrupted before…?

I also found this:

«Added hidden preference ForceEditablePDFs to open all PDF documents as editable. This bypasses DEVONthink’s mechanism to open PDFs as read-only if conditions are detected that may cause a PDFKit issue.»

How would I enable this preference?

Please read the documentation, it has a chapter on “Hidden preferences” in the appendix.


I did, but it’s not working.

Nevermind, I tried the terminal method and it worked (the on/off links inside the manual itself did not work for me, as it has earlier).

So that fixes things for now.

But still seems strange to me that so many of my files are being seen as corrupted all of a sudden. Is this due to DevonThink changing its criteria for deciding what files should be locked or not, in the latest update? Or is it due to changes in Apple’s PDFkit?

Searching for “pdfkit corrupted” turns up this

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Thank you. I appreciate that you point me to previous discussions on the same issue. This was exactly what Im talking about. It’s not always easy to navigate user forums, because similar problems are articulated and understood differently, and one cannot look for what one does not know. So, I did search the forums before posting, but your link here did not immediately appear in my search results.

Admins can consider this thread “solved”, although the topic itself (read-only-mechanism) is probably still “open” and relevant.

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But still seems strange to me that so many of my files are being seen as corrupted all of a sudden. Is this due to DevonThink changing its criteria for deciding what files should be locked or not, in the latest update? Or is it due to changes in Apple’s PDFkit?

Your documents aren’t corrupted. The mechanism in DEVONthink is trying to keep your documents from being corrupted. We are making some more modifications for the next release to minimize false positives.

(the on/off links inside the manual itself did not work for me, as it has earlier).

This is a macOS issue and has also been discussed here. (I am adding a note to the documentation for the next release.) If you’re on macOS Monterey or later, Control-click the On link for ForceEditablePDFs. Then paste into the address bar in Safari, okaying opening DEVONthink.

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I am not sure if it the same problem but since the last upate I am not able to split some pdfs. It does not effect all pdfs. Attached you will find a pdf file which is not possible to split within devonthink after beeing imported. What’s the problem with this file?

Mappe 30.06.2023, 20-01-33 MESZ_Kopie.pdf (4.3 MB)

I have downloaded the file myself, dragging the file into DEVONthink and when I use the right click in the preview pane the option to split the file is greyed out. When I do this on other PDFs the option is available. That’s my problem!

Yes it is the same issue.

While I understand this issue may not be strictly DevonThink’s fault, it does make the tool significantly less useful to me - I find that it affects most of the PDFs I encounter. Is there a ways to cause DevonThink to launch when I double-click on a PDF, instead of the internal PDF editor? This would at least make working around the issue marginally more convenient.

There’s a setting in Preferences > General > Interface to open double-clicked documents always externally. But enabling the hidden preference ForceEditablePDFs is also sufficient.

I downloaded a journal article PDF today that wouldn’t let me highlight it, and found this thread. It turned out to be password protected. I was able to open it and print to PDF (printing was enabled without password), gave it a new name, and it now behaves like any regular PDF.

In case this may help others.