Best app to round trip Markdown

I can not round trip markdown documents in DTTG 2.1.2 with either 1Writer, Editorial, or Textastic – same error that @khw reported

‘Round tripping’ has been made obsolete, IMO, now that DEVONthink to Go functions as a Document Provider to 1Writer (Editorial currently does not support Document Providers). Any reason that you don’t want to open your documents stored in DEVONthink to Go directly from 1Writer?

Generally speaking, we would concur with that opinion, Greg.
That doesn’t mean the old behavior is completely out of development, but the Document Provider IS the future… and the future, as they say, is Now. :smiley:

Some apps do not support document provider, and some apps support document provider but not completely. E.g., with some apps one can open a document from DTTG using document provider but not save it back to DTTG after editing. The only app I know of that robustly supports document provider read/write is Documents.

So, round-tripping may be on the way out the door, but still needed. Especially since DTTG’s philosophy to date has been to play well with other apps as far as reasonable.

However, we encourage people to contact the OTHER developers about supporting the Document Provider option (and thanks, korm for you reminding people to do this as well, on a variety of issues). Too often, people assume we should just “be able to support app X, Y, or Z”, when it’s often an issue outside or control or one that requires a cooperative effort.

I didn’t intend to create any controversy with my obsolete comment. The Document Provider (DP) feature is working very well for me in the current versions of DEVONthink to Go and 1Writer. If the round trip feature is not working, then perhaps it would be worthwhile to give DP a try.

Greg, perhaps my workflow is all wrong, but if I am working in DTTG deep down in a nested hierarchy of groups and I want to add content to a Markdown item, then it seems to be so much easier to round trip from that location, than to open up a Markdown Editor, open its DP and then try to navigate to where I was working in the deep hierarchy.

It would make a huge difference if an item in DTTG could be bookmarked, and for that bookmark to be accessible from the top level in DTTG. Then it would be a cinch to bookmark the item to be edited, switch to the alternative editor and find the bookmarked item waiting at the top level.

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Perhaps you could explain what this means? You can add content to a Markdown file in DTTG2 without having to go to an external editor.

Yes, it was shorthand for saying that I want to develop and structure the content using all the features and custom actions that an editor like 1Writer has that DTTG does not.

You can always search for tags or other document content, although search isn’t available at the top level-you have to enter a database first. I could be mistaken, but I believe there was talk that the Document Provider function in DEVONthink to Go would be changing to include all the smart groups, etc. at the top level that are available in the top level when using DEVONthink to Go. That would be very useful.

I had a similar struggle to the OP with respect to being in DTTG, finding a file I want to edit, but then having to shift applications and dig through the Document Picker to find it (and have made similar suggestions about favourites or smart groups in DTTG: "Favourite" equivalent in DTTG)

However, when I discovered that the Document Picker allows for search, my world was changed. Not a perfect solution but it really does help surface a document rather quickly. Search in the Document Picker is a life saver (though I can’t for the life of me understand why it isn’t in the home screen of DTTG or the document picker…). Searching definitely does alleviate some of the labour in surfacing deeply buried files in the Document Picker.

Thanks for mentioning the search function in the DP. Using that I can get straight back to the original document in DTTG if I add a nonsense string like qqq and search for that in the DP. A list of Recent Files in the DTTG Smart Groups would be a great help.

There are the Recently Modified and Recently Viewed smart groups. Do you mean like a Recently Added smart group?

I think the issue with Bear is that it doesnt store discret txt files which can be a limitation if you need [[wikilink]] functionality. 1Writer is better but there is no Mac app, hence the benefit of linking wuth DT

Yes, I try to stay away from Markdown editors that do not operate with plain text files in outside folders.

Also I prefer a WYSIWYG markdown experience.

That’s why I use Typora just now.

IA Writer works great for me, both on the Mac and iOS. On iOS, it happily works with document providers. It’s a lovely Markdown editor, too.

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Markdown is just one example - .xls or Apple Pages could be another one

You can’t edit proprietary formats like Excel or Pages files, in DEVONthink or DEVONthink To Go.

yes, the discussion was to just open them in the right App (open-in and saving back without having a copy “round trip”) - using markdown you can directly edit them in DT2Go, right, but if have a particular file in DT2Go, somewhere in a sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-group and just want to edit that file…puh, you’ve to switch to the App, then again navigating to the sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-group is boring.