Big Sur's a coming

Are those folders IMAP and aren’t downloaded. Perhaps that is the problem (I don’t know for sure, it is only a guess).

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All the folders are IMAP and the messages are downloaded. It’s not really a problem for me as I can use Alfred to run a script by Christian Grunenberg that imports the message to the DT inbox and I can move it from there.

You could create a Smart Rule

Smart Rule

I wonder why I bothered to think about and why not mentioned as a problem at first. Oh well.

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Sorry about that. I was just commenting in agreement with @ToddJonker who mentioned dragging and dropping didn’t work.

Thanks. I’ll try that.

I’m using Big Sur since Friday and I’m astonished how it works. Currently I’m re-OCRing the 11th Britannica for the community. The current Google version is too much dark and has no OCR, the ones at are the same, and the version with OCR uses more than 2GB per volume (27 volumes) and opens dramatically slow even in a last generation Mac/Windows machine.

I’ve found the “source” of scans, and I’m OCR-ing them. I tried with my Mac Store FineReader OCR Pro, but it crashed even doing sub-PDFs with 10 pages, then I installed my work FineReader 15 instance in a Windows 10 virtual machine inside my home iMac. I had to divide each volume in 200-page PDFs, and then batch each one.

In Windows Parallels under Catalina was taking about 36 hours to do each 1000 pages volume divided in 200 pages PDF. Result is about 400-700 MB PDF with ORC with MRC “Compact size” (higher resolution crashes Windows version as well), but result is very readable having in consideration what it is.

With Big Sur, each volume takes about 4 hours!!!

4 hours against 36 hours!!

Same Windows version, same Parallels version, same Abbyy version. The only change has been Big Sur.

Really astonished.


OCR seems to work, but saving the file afterwards stalls…
If I just abort this by clicking on the “x”, the OCRed file appears as normal…

Also astonishing, but in a strange and different way…

Items like this should be reported in our support system.

When the application is stalled, do a Spotlight search for Activity Monitor. Select DTOCRHelper in the list of processes and press Command-Option-S to run a sample on it. When the sample window opens, press the Save button and save it to your Desktop. Hold the Option key and choose Help > Report bug to start a support ticket and attach this text file to your Support Ticket so we can inspect it.

I also recently installed macOS Big Sur and I am wondering whether someone else faces some issues with the DEVONthink clipper in Safari when using format:PDF. Some websites work and others result only in blank pages.

wikipedia worked, but it does not look good.

some examples where it did not work (I only post the links for testing purposes, since they did not work for me):

The Reuters page doesn’t clip on Catalina either. This is no uncommon with these kind of pages full of junk and ads.

Put a bookmark into DEVONthink and use Data > Capture to capture the PDF in DEVONthink.


Thanks, that works.

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Yesterday got my MacBook Air M1 (16GB, 1TB) and… well, until I don’t have all iCloud Drive available (why is this first sync so slow?) I could not check in full, but current DT version, well, how to say, while in my 2020 MacBook Air Intel (same specs), I can see the splash screen, I barely can see it in my M1 MacBook Air loading same non-indexed databases.


BTW, current DT 3.5.2 is ARM ready or is Rosetta 2?

Since version 3.5.2 DEVOthink is universal and supports both architectures. But the current version is now 3.6 :slight_smile:


Holly Molly. :smiley:


Lot of complaining about the Big Sur redesign in the comments. Personally, I like it. I’ve updated my iMac and MacBook and everything seems fine. yes, things are bigger, but also easier to see. Some things I think are a step back, like hidden controls, but overall it feels refreshed. I’m glad Apple is paying attention to the Mac again, and currently they seem like they are firing on all cylinders.

I expect the machine that I spend so many hours per day using to be elegant and refined. If I didn’t care about the UI and how the device felt while using it, if I only cared about efficiency, I’d buy a PC and run Linux.

Negativity is like a virus, it can spread easily and can be hard to shake. Personally, as a Mac enthusiast, I try to find the good side when things change, and I know that they’ll continue to evolve over time.

Also, awesome job DEVONthink devs on releasing an M1 native version so fast. :+1: Well done!


You mean “Tools > Capture”, right?

Installed Big Sur yesterday. I monitored carefully what will work or not. Not working is Little Snitch, SoftRaid app (raid drivers are working, beta version is available) and PdfPen pro 8 (probably too old) - I can live with this for the moment

DT 3.6 performs very well - I want to say thank you very much to the DT team :grinning:


You need Little Snitch 5.0—which works perfectly with Big Sur.


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Thanks! :slight_smile: