Browser-style behavior in files

I was having a discussion with Further about browser/file behavior with Jim Neumann here

And changed mid-stream to a question about browser-style behavior in files, which I find annoying. I have another question and thought I should change the topic to avoid confusion:

If my cursor is on a filename in the hierarchy, and I select New Text File and name it, the new file will open with the contents of a previous file I looked at. If I hit the back arrow it will go back from that file to a prior one. I can’t go forward; it doesn’t think there’s anything in that direction.

To get rid of it, I have to arrow up/down to one of the adjacent files, and then it clears. This is an annoying extra step and it didn’t used to happen.

I really do wish I could turn off this “browser-style” behavior; leave it as an option for those who like it.


Creating a new document should never populate it with the contents of a previously viewed document. They only behavior that comes close to this is creating a document with the contents of the clipboard. I’d suggest opening a support ticket so that this issue can be resolved first.

I also don’t see the issue with the forward arrow that you describe, so perhaps this is related to the problem of new documents populating with the contents of a previously viewed document.