Convert Markdown to PDF / DOCX in Devonthink using Pandoc

To use pandoc, wouldn’t you would have to call Terminal?

Maybe you can work with something along these lines:

    set theItem to the selection
    set itemPath to path of theItem
    set itemName to name of theItem

	tell application "Terminal"
		set currentTab to do script ("pandoc --wrap=preserve -s " & itemPath & " -o ~/Desktop/" & itemName & ".pdf")
		delay 5
		do script ("exit") in currentTab
	end tell

Using shell script / CURL you could make use of e.g. Docverter somehwere along these lines:

do shell script "curl POST from=markdown to=pdf input_files[]=@" & itemPath & "-- output " & (name of theItem) & ".pdf && open " & name of thisItem & ".pdf"

DTPO has no idea what to do with the received PDF though. I don’t know how to fetch the file and place it inside the current group. Perphaps you can get the location of the file and use it to construct a path. I’m too unfamiliar with the architecture though, sorry.

set itemLocation to location of thisItem
set parentPath to id of current group

None of this working code but merely some ideas.

Using this: how to get the path to a group I reckoned the Terminal approach might work, but in the end I’m promped with some unicode problem.