Cool Tip: Auto Forward Office 365 Email into DT3 - Zapier + Indexed Dropbox Folder

One of the few items on my wishlist for a while has been how to forward or auto-forward my Office 365 email into Devonthink with HTML formatting and file attachments intact.

I would prefer to not use the Apple Mail client and even when I have tried, it have not had much success in getting HTML formatted emails to import easily.

I have now figured out a nice solution combining Office 365 email and Zapier with an Indexed Dropbox Folder. The same concept would probably work for Gmail or most other web email apps if they are supported by Zapier.

The Zap is fairly straightforward:

One important detail in setting up the Zap is to set up the template with a link to the original Office 365 email. This not only lets you load and reply to the email directly from DT3, but also it allows you to easily download file attachments that way:

The final appearance of an email item is like this - HTML intact. Plus the “Link to Original Email” brings you back to the item in Office 365 if you wish.


Nice. Perhaps others will find this useful or inspirational. :slight_smile:

Does this require using Dropbox as your storage location? Vs iCloud for instance?

I suppose you could apply the same concept to write an app that does this using iCloud but that would require significant coding work.

This particular solution requires no coding at all because it uses Zapier.

However Zapier does not support iCloud.

It would be a lot easier using another service that Zapier does support.