Crash after web link preview

After pasting a link from Safari (e.g. Devonthink crashes every time I preview the link.
Is this behavior known or can I do something about it?

Devonthink Version 3.9.8

My understanding based on reading here is that DEVONthink prefers that you report crashes press “Option” button, Menu: Help → Report Bug which sends to them the information they need to help. That is how you “do something about it.”

I seem to have an otherwise so stable version that I cannot find the “Report bug” item under Help.

But I have used contact to write them an email.

Did you press the “Option” key as I said above? I don’t know what the word would be on a German (if that your language) Keyboard.Google “mac os option key on german keyboard - Google Search”

Also look in DEVONthink “Help” for “DEVONthink crashes” or whatever it is in your Help’s language.

Of course not … :disguised_face:

I hope they will forgive me for reporting the bug to the wrong e-mail address.

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There is the quite similar topic in the international-sub:

Apparently it is a problem of the various websites …