Devonthink crashes when loading

I rebooted my computer yesterday and now when I launch Devonthink it immediately crashes and I get the “DEVONthink Pro quit unexpectedly” window.

Does anyone know how to fix this without re-installing Devonthink?

Asked and answered here: Devonthink Pro Office crashes on start, and also on our blog. Please check the Unread and Active topics before posting. Thanks!

Thanks Jim. I’ll check the forum more carefully in future.

No worries. Just a helpful hint. Cheers!

About a week ago, DEVONthink Pro began hanging (as opposed to crashing) on startup. The progress bar shows the database loading, but progress stops at roughly 65% (visual estimate), and DEVONthink hangs.

I’ve tried removing and re-installing DEVONthink, but no luck. I’ve run the First Aid scan in Disk Utilities, and found no errors or problems.

What else can I try? Do I need to drop back and restore the database file (wherever it resides) from backup?

Thanks for any help!

In DEVONthink: Hold the Option key and select Help > Report Bug. Thanks.

Solved. I moved my database to the desktop, so that DEVONthink could not open it at launch, and launched. DEVONthink then launched normally. I exited the application, moved the database back in to the default location, relaunched, and opened the database. That succeeded. I followed up with a Verify & Repair operation, followed by a Backup and Optimize.

The critical step appears to have been moving the database out so that DEVONthink could launch and reinitialize.

Now I need to write this down somewhere, so that I don’t forget it…