DTG internal link doesn't work

Hello. Have a markdown document created on Macbook that has inter-document link created via copy section link. Works when clicked on link on Macbook but doesn’t work when tap on link on DTG - look like DTG opens another copy of same document but won’t go to section below. Is it a limitation on DTG?


Heading One

Try to go to Heading Three (using dummy link here)

Heading Two

More text.

Heading Three

This is section I want link above to jump to

The source of the Markdown would be helpful.

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That’s the rendering. What’s the source?

Apologies. Non techie person, what is source?

The actual code. Select the document and tap the Edit link in the upper right.

Did more testing, both these inter-document links work on DEVONthink but won’t work on DTG.

And are the documents these links point to available in DTTG?

Yes. Have {{TOC}} and it works when click on TOC heading links, taking me to that heading on DTG. Can see those links when editing document

The result of markdown is formatted text. Usually rendered HTML, like a web page in a browser. “Source” means the plain text including markup characters.

Discourse (the software running this forum) also uses markdown to format text. So if you just copy & paste directly, we will see the rendered HTML, not the markdown itself. Use the </> button in the text box, which creates a code block:

## Example

This is **raw** markdown.

The markdown syntax was [originally created](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) by John Gruber.

The code block has syntax highlighting, which makes code easer to read. The default seems to be AppleScript, which can be confusing. You can specify a syntax after the opening backticks: ```txt for no highlighting at all, or ```md for markdown.

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yes, already attached 17 hours ago above

DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go don’t use the same text engine. Mobile development will have to look at this. Thanks for your patience.
