DTPO Web Clipper Question - auto add when clicking the extension button


I love using DTPO 3.7.2’s Web Clipper Extension with Safari. I’ve set up a Keyboard Shortcut (System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Safari) so that I can use Shift+CMD+C to activate the shortcut.

I love how the DTPO extension remembers the last setting that I used to save the previous pages.

With all this goodness, I’m wondering if there is a way to have the web clipper extension automatically press the Add button so that I don’t have to.

I don’t use tags or comments when saving web pages to DTPO 3. So I don’t need to have the cursor settle on those fields.

For my particular workflow, I’m looking to be able to press the Keyboard Shortcut combination and have the webpage show up in DTPO straight away.

Today, the the cursor goes into the Comments field. One cannot use the tab key to move to the other fields in the web clipper extension interface. Tab actually just moves the cursor 5 spaces in the Comments field.

Is there a way to have DTPO’s web extension just add the page, using the previously selected options (e.g. Clutter Free, Markdown) when I use the keyboard shortcut?

What I have to do at the moment is press the shortcut keys, and then use the mouse to click on the Add button.

It would be good to have the cursor automatically highlight the add button so I could just press the Return key, or use Keyboard Maestro to do this for me.

Are there options in the main DTPO program to allow me to customize how the web clipper extension works?

Thank you.


This way, I can press the Return key to save the page.

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I can only offer a solution involving Better Touch Tool.

Unless I’m missing something, the Clip to DEVONthink Hotkey setting in DT makes the trip to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Safari unnecessary.

You only need to choose a shortcut to your liking in Better Touch Tool that triggers the Clip to DEVONthink Hotkey as set in DT preferences (in my case shift+option+command+c, see above). Action 2 is a safety buffer for this to work reliably, action 3 triggers Markdown, action 4 triggers clutter-free and and action 5 triggers the save, all in 1-2 seconds.

See this post and the ones below.

⌘ + S

Thanks, @pete31!

I have no idea why I couldn’t find these when searching the forum!

Much appreciated!


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Ah, yes. BTT. What a great utility.

Thanks @chrk!

Keyboard Maestro Macro to Clip with DevonThink & save to database

Thanks for the replies.

After playing around, I’ve come up with the following KM Macro that works for my needs. Posting the screenshot and attaching the macro file for others that may want to use it.

The macro uses the hyper key function provided by Karabiner-Elements (aka Caps Lock key) and performs 4 actions:

1 - Activate Safari

2 - Activate Clip with DevonThink using hotkey configured in System Preferences.

3 - Save to the database using the CMD+S shortcut (hat tip to @pete31 for this!)

4 - Close the Safari Tab using CMD+W


App-Specific keyboard shortcut in System Preferences:

KM Editor with annotations explaining the steps:

Auto Save Safari page to Database & close.kmmacros.zip (1.0 KB)

I should point out that BTT can do all this as well, but I didn’t want to have to install yet another software package to do what KM can already do.

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I forgot to add that I don’t use the sorter at all. I never liked how it hung out on the side of the monitor, and felt it took away from the main window experience.

Perhaps I need to revisit this now that I have two very large monitors and have no issues with screen real estate.

Did you try e.g. the menu extra option?

I think the extension just opens the sorter though, they are the same thing unless I’m missing something. The only point of the extension seems to be an icon in Safari’s toolbar for people not using keyboard shortcuts.

That’s why I don’t understand why you set up a shortcut in System Prefs at all. The shortcut you can set in DT’s Sorter preferences under Clip to DEVONthink Hotkey does the same thing.

The Better Touch Tool version is a bit faster, but it makes sense to use what you already have installed.

To make this faster in KM, you could get rid of step 1 and the pause that follows, if you would just use a keyboard shortcut in DEVONthink’s preferences instead of the System Prefs detour. That way, activating Safari (+ pause) becomes unnecessary, because the shortcut from within DT is global. This also works if you have appearance set to None (you mentioned you don’t want to see the Sorter). You could basically start at step 2 like that.

No. I’m not even sure what this is.

Could you provide a link so I can educate myself?

Yes! I’ve educated myself after your initial post and did setup the Sorter using the DevonThink icon in the menu bar.

I’ve not gone through and measured milliseconds or anything like that, but from an experiential perspective, it’s way faster.

System Preferences shortcut was deleted in favor of hyper key shortcut. I’ll give BTT a try in the next week or so, as I would like to try out window management features and creating workspaces for different activities that I am doing when in front of the computer.

Glad this worked out. Fewer steps will certainly help if this is used often. I’m not sure if there will be differences left between KM and BTT now that you removed the system pref steps. But if you want to check out BTT anyway, can’t hurt to try.
BTT can be complex, but it’s unthinkable to use a Mac without it now. I couldn’t even use Devonthink without it any more (especially for the PDF annotations I set up).

For window management, I use Moom, because I already had that set up.