DTTG 3 -- View File Extension?

Is it possible to see the file extension in DTTG 3?

If so, how to enable?

There are some files that don’t have a viewer in DTTG and I’m not sure where to send them (like mindmaps) to use them. The file extension would be very helpful.

Related issue – a search returns multiple documents with the same name. How do I see what “kind” of document each is?



In the Group, press on the options (the icon that looks like a list) and try turning on “details” to see if that gives what you want.

Details displays the file type, if known, but otherwise displays ‘unknown’ which doesn’t help the OP.


Learning for the day. All the files I have on DEVONthink ToGo i guess have viewers.

The Details works fine unless you’re looking at the results of a search where I see multiple documents with the same name and no file extension…

How do I set to see “Details” for search results?

  1. There is no option the toggle file extensions.
  2. Long press a file and choose Info*. The kind is shown there.
  3. You can’t enable details for search results.
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Thanks @BLUEFROG, the long press solves the issue. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome

That works, if the file type is recognized in DEVONthink To Go. Some document types, such as iThoughts documents, return as Unknown.

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I’ll take what I can get. Hopefully, in a future version of DTTG 3, they’ll add more “DETAIL” to the search results also. I’m OK for now since any real heavy lifting I’d do in DT not in DTTG.


I think, the question was to add an option so that the file extension can always be seen.

I am also badly missing a decent view option, that just shows the files, esp. with full file name!

Right now, I can only see some useless “icon” with the name cropped and no file type shown.

This view is … useless.

Going to add some screenshots.

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Some examples:

This is basically totally useless.
You cannot see nothing, not even the name of the files.

This is a similar view from the Files App:

It is already much better, like in a normal explorerer, but it also lacks the filetype … just have a look at the Windows Explorer to see how this needs to be implemented.

You are using grid view in DTTG unless I’m missing something.

Tap on a group’s name to show the item list.
Tap on the item count to show the grid view.

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Not sure what you mean here.

If I tap on a groups name, it’s content is listed on the same left sidebar.
This does not give any oversight at all. There may the thousands of files!

The only way to see all items on the right side in the bigger window, is to tap on the number.

And the options for this view is missing a “details” view, where you can see the full filename, the extension and size, and other options that should be selectable.
Like in a regular file explorer.

Oh, ok. Since I only use DTTG on iPhone and Mac, I wasn’t aware that there is no way to display documents in a list on the right side of the screen. That is in fact pretty unusable/useless.

For many people it isn’t useless. It’s a more visual view of the contents in the group.

I should have worded this differently. As a visual view of groups that have a lot of images or videos, that’s good to have, but useless as a replacement for list view (in my opinion).
I thought there was a list view as in the Files app (as @tja already illustrated in the screenshots), which would display much more info on the right side of the screen.

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I thought there was a list view as in the Files app (as @tja already illustrated in the screenshots), which would display much more info on the right side of the screen.

No. The view/edit pane only displays the grid view or the contents of a selected file.

I hope list view for that area is a feature consideration as it would increase information density.

Also, having better view options for the left side would be great, like always displaying a certain amount of lines for the title (like many RSS apps do, see screenshot), as this would minimize truncation.
Also, when using comments, tags aren’t shown.

Coming from Keep It, I miss those advanced options in DTTG.

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No promises, but the request is noted.

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