DTTG does not save web pages as markdown, web archive, or pdf

Hi Devontechnologies!
DTTG 3.8.6 on iOS 17.6.1 does not save web pages as markdown, web archive, or pdf when ‘Options’ > ‘Send As’ is set to ‘automatic’ on the share sheet and DTTG is selected as the destination in Safari’s share sheet.
DTTG does initially create a temporary file with zero bytes that is visible in the inbox for a few seconds, but then disappears without leaving a proper markdown, web archive, or pdf. In between, the message “An object created and converted” appears.
I observed this both on the go via 5G and at home.

Additionally, DTTG cannot convert a bookmark to these file types.

The finding is reminiscent of the observations in Saves from Safari Don't Save Properly.

I’ve only noticed this since updating to DTTG 3.8.6.

Cheers, Ralf

From what app are you “sharing”?

Have you rebooted the device?

Sharing from Safari.

Rebooted the device multiple times.

On DEVONthink To Go’s databases screen, select ? > Contact Us to start a support ticket. Thanks!

Started support ticket.

I have the same problem: DTTG does not always save from Safari (and from the same source, the NYTimes). One sees momentarily the creation of a temporary file and then it disappears. Repeatedly. Current version of DT, started a new database and new installation just for this problem. Is there a result of this ticket that someone might share?

Are you using the latest version of DTG?
I think the problem was already fixed in 3.8.7.

Thanks for your response! Fresh installs of DTTG and DT (version 3.9.8) yesterday, database cleared beforehand. This is happening with DTTG on mobile.

In the case of NYT, could it be because of the paywall?

Have you tried browsing the site in DTTG’s internal browser and capturing from there?

This implies it sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t. Correct?

Looking at it closely over a few days, I’ve isolated the problem to The Washington Post (there may be others, but this I am sure): the NYTimes is consistently ok. It’s not because of a paywall (I subscribe to both). I don’t see how to capture from the DTTG internal browser. I’ve submitted a ticket and gotten a nice reply noting that there is a fix for problems with capture in the next release. In the meantime, I check to be sure is saved, and if not switch to reader, send via email, copy from that email, past into DT, rename … a long, round-about way but maybe only once a day. Thanks for your replies!

On the mac, my understanding is that it’s limited what data the browser extension can pass to DEVONthink. Often DT opens a new connection and downloads the page separately. Because of that paywalls can be a problem, since you’re logged in in a different browser. For some sites I think it’s enough to login in DEVONthink’s internal browser and store the cookies. For other sites you need to actually open the article.

iOS is different. I don’t know how the share extension works. But that’s what I had in mind.

I don’t see how to capture from the DTTG internal browser.

While browsing the site, tap the share icon and choose Capture.

Ingenious, will check it out: thanks!

Another option: You can save the page from Safari to the Files app as either a reader PDF or a web archive. And you can add DTTG as a location in Files.

If you want a PDF without the reader view, you can also print from Safari. If you don’t select a printer, you will instead be prompted to save a PDF. This option is somewhat hidden.

Another ingenious method! From SafariPprint, I don’t see Files, but from Safari Markdown I do: learn something every day, thanks! I also see from older discussions that Fikes used to be a Safari Print function, but no longer. Problem is, that ingenious work-around is something like eight clicks, plus creating an object name, so much more work to get around a broken routine. I could copy and paste into Notes or OneNote with that much work. With luck, DT will deliver on the promised fix! It seems to be a problem of making capture more robust, working on a wider range of websites. Thanks for the advice!

On iOS, the share extension simply receives the data in one or different file formats and then has to pick what it thinks is best suitable. Sometimes it also receives, e.g., two text data blobs, one with a text, one with a URL, but no identification which is which or what is the user’s intent. So we simply choose what we think is best but it doesn’t have to be what you as user think is best.