DTTG stumbles when creating a new object from the contents of the clipboard

Dear DT Team!
DTTG stumbles when creating a new object from the contents of the clipboard.


  1. In a web browser: copy a section of a web page that contains text and an image.
  2. Switch from the browser to DTTG.
  3. In DTTG tap the “[+]” button in the lower left.
  4. DTTG temporarily displays the message “DEVONthink inserted from iCabMobile” at the top and at the same time pushes the “New Object” panel up from the bottom of the screen.
  5. Select “Text from the clipboard”.
  6. DTTG displays the message “DEVONthink inserted from iCabMobile” again at the top.
  7. DTTG displays the contents of the clipboard in the “Contents” field of the “New Object” panel but immediately removes this content again just at the moment when DTTG pushes the keyboard panel up from the bottom of the screen.
    This means that automatic pasting from the clipboard is unfortunately no longer possible. Too bad, because that was the method I used to add over 80% of the objects to DTTG!

From here on, I can of course still paste the contents of the clipboard at the cursor position, so:
8. Long-tap in the “Contents” field to call up the context menu with the “Paste” command.
9. Before the context menu appears on the screen, DTTG temporarily displays once more the message “DEVONthink inserted from iCabMobile” at the top.
10. Tap “Paste” in the context menu.

On my freshly rebooted iPhone, this happens every time I paste from the clipboard.
iPhone 12 Pro Max 512 GB
iOS 17.7
DTTG 3.8.6 (17457)
iCab or Safari makes no difference.
I think I’ve only noticed this behavior since the last update (edit:) of DTTG.

I made a video of the process, which I can’t upload. Here are two screenshots from that video:

Thanks for reporting the issue, I have reproduced the problem here and we will add a fix for this in an upcoming update

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