How to Trial Server Version if Already a Pro User?

Hi there,

I’d want to explore the features of the server version of DevonThink. I’m already a user of the pro version. How would I trial these features? I intend to determine if I would seek to upgrade. However, I too would wish to know if there exists an incremental upgrade option from Pro to Server which accounts for the user status as a full-time educational occupation?


I think if you remove your current license, DT goes back into demo mode. Once you reapply the license, it moves back into your purchased version.

The more advocated suggestion would be to quit DEVONthink and move the ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/Registration.plist file to your Desktop while testing.

Jim, won’t this also re-impose the limitations of a trial version i.e. if the time limit of the trial has already been reached as well as the daily limits of OCR?

Yes, but this is unavoidable in either case, i.e., @rfog’s or our suggestion.

Is this the only solution for trialling the server edition?

Welcome @timjwes
Yes, this is the only way to test the Server edition post-purchase.


Why is it difficult to get extended trials or trial access to additional features such as upgrades?

Is it a technical based decision?


Is there no way of a temporary license to try the server edition?

Sorry but no. The advocated method is the only option at this time.